Else Wants to Tame the Adwords Beast & Tap Into a Tsunami of
People Eager to Spend Money on Whatever You're Offering?"
is a mountain of money growing larger out there and the smart
marketers who know how to climb the cash mountain are making a
Friday 06:48 PM
Dear Adwords Aficionado,
day there are around 200 million searches performed in the search
engines, and every day millions of dollars is spent online! Adwords
allows you to tap that traffic right at the source, to stand
there with a sign and direct people to where you want them to go
and spend their money. In the right hands Adwords can be devstatingly
effective, in the wrong hands it can just be devastating.
This beast bites!
'Mastering the Adwords Cash Mountain'
if you could learn more than probably 95% of the people out
there using Adwords right now? Would that help you to make some
serious money online? Would that help you to destroy your
the satisfaction of being able to pay less and get more from each
keyword because you know how to get a great quality score, imagine
the thrill of being able to walk in and start taking your
competition's traffic and sales right out from under them!
product was created to cut through all the hype and 'smoke and
mirrors' out there that try and sell you a $997 course on how
to make millions from Adwords when they don't even teach you
the fundamentals to having a profitable campaign. You can't
teach someone to run a marathon before they can walk!
you ever hear someone saying Google Adwords is a simple system?
If you did, then I have to be honest with you, IT IS NOT THAT
SIMPLE. The people who said it was simple, are not the ones
who are successful with it! With a growing system like Google
Adwords there is constant learning involved in order to keep up
with the competition.
is what you could be learning just minutes from now!
precise steps that must be taken in order to setup a
campaign properly - CRUCIAL!
sneaky trick you can do with Adwords to see inside your
market and find out exactly what they want to buy from
single biggest mistake that people make which renders
all their hard work useless - and they don't even notice!
(until they crash and burn when they run out of money
and have no sales to show for it)
7 quick fixes you need to help you get an awesome quality
score so Google will absolutely love your campaign!
(cheap clicks here we come!)
most important part of your whole campaign which will
make or break you more than anything else (if you think
it's the product you're way off!)
types of keywords you MUST use if you ever want
to make some profit...
exact wording that changed an ad with a 1% click through
rate to a 19% click through rate overnight!
ONLY time you should be in position 1 (steer clear of
it apart from at this time!)
When you master Adwords then
traffic is no longer a problem!
face it, getting traffic is hard, you could
write a load of articles, mess around with your site trying to optimise
it for the search engines for a few months, or you could just plug
yourself into the raging river of traffic flowing through
Google every second and siphon it off for yourself!
not saying it's easy, but it is a lot easier than all the
amateurs out there make it out to be. They read a couple
of posts in a forum, think they know it all and just come out all
guns blazing bidding as high as possible and sitting back thinking
they are king of the hill as they are in spot 1 and spending a small
fortune to be there.
you can be the shark, the person who knows you don't want position
1 anyway (you do know that right?) who sits underneath collecting
all the money the idiot at position one is missing. Of course he
will be replaced by another person doing the same as soon as he
loses all his (or her) money, but you'll be just sat there letting
them do their thing, oblivious to the profits they could be making!
going to learn the secrets of the big dogs, how to test your adverts
and landing pages so your profits will only increase over time
as your advert and your landing page convert more and more people
into customers for you while you sleep!
believe me? How about this guarantee for peace of mind then:
Clad 10 Day Guarantee
know the power this book has to change your traffic
worries and increase your Adsense knowledge forever.
So the risk is totally on me, unless you are absolutely
thrilled with the results of this book then at any
time within 10 days of purchase just shoot me an email
and I will refund every last cent to you - No
questions asked!
are having their wallets
eaten alive by Adwords every day - don't be one of them!
reading this book can stop you making one of the major Adwords
mistakes, or help you to double your click-through rate, what
would it be worth to you? Hundreds of dollars? Trust me if you
build your campaign wrong or ignore the advice in the book you
can waste much more than that! I wasted thousands of dollars
'learning' what to do and what not to do!
here to run a business so I can't just give the information
away for free, but then this priceless information could help you
out so much that I don't want to price it out of people's reach,
so $17 sounds fair to me, I get a fair pay for my work and you get
your hands on some of the best Adwords information around at a pittance
of other so-called guides.
at it this way -- $17 is really a painless drop in the bucket to
be able to get your hands on 'Mastering the Adwords Cash Mountain'
and start using it right away to improve your business!
Really Can't Afford Not To Invest In
"Mastering the Adwords Cash Mountain"
Yes , I just have to have
this incredible information! Count me in right now!
Easy to Order...
click the order button below (even if it's 3:00 am in the morning).
you going to be left out in the harsh cold of the Adwords winter,
or come to the beach for a party in the sun of the Adwords summer?
no doubt about it, if you can master Adwords then you can be secure
in the knowledge you have skill that will look after you for
the rest of your life, through good times and bad.
you owe it to yourself to try Mastering the Adwords Cash Mountain
Don't forget I shoulder ALL the risk here, unless
you are absolutely blown away by the information then you don't
pay a penny - it's as simple as that!
Every second you don't have this information you are gushing money
out of your bank account and into Google's hands - make a stand
and take back control now!