Publish Your Own Wildly Successful (And Profitable) Newsletter Without Writing One Single Word Yourself & Become A Recognized Expert In The Internet Marketing Field Almost Effortlessly!

Would Like To Finally Be Seen As The Internet Marketing Guru You Know You Can Be?

Does all the work that immediately comes to mind when considering publishing an Internet Marketing Newsletter scare you out of actually stepping forward and doing it?

Do you just not have the time needed to sit down and write content for people to read on a weekly basis?

Maybe you have an email list and you aren't contacting them as much as you would like to which is affecting your relationship with them and your ability to profit from them.

It doesn't matter what your situation is, today you are going to find the "end all" solution...

Friday 06:58 PM

Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,

If you're ready to finally step up to the plate and hit a home run with your own high profile Internet Marketing newsletter, you are definitely in the right place.

I don't care what your situation is...

You have wanted to start a newsletter but lack the time.... or you currently own a newsletter but don't have the time to write as much content as you would like, heck I don't care if you are just plain lazy.

Today you are going to learn how you too can cash in on newsletter publishing without all of the time consuming, stress inducing research, work and writing.

I know this may sound crazy but by the time you finish reading this letter, everything will be as clear as the skin on a newborn baby!

First you need to realize that...

People Just Like You Are Making Small (And In Many Cases), Large Fortunes Using The Power Of Simple, Easy To Run Newsletters!

It's a fact, the newsletter trend is booming and the truth is, its going to keep going up for a long time to come because people are always searching for information.

Sure, there are people saying "e-mail is dead", "blogs are better", etc which is just a bunch of total nonsense.

I Call Bullcrap On All These Naysayer's!

I hope its ok to say that in this letter, after all this is the Internet, not the Super Bowl! So I'll say it again... Bullcrap, Bullcrap, Bullcrap!

E-mail has been around since the inception of the ecommerce boom and it isn't going anywhere, ever.

I'll even go as far to say that even if the Internet crashes, e-mail will stay solidly intact.

You see people who own online businesses, and all the big Internet entrepreneurs are running businesses online for a reason, they love quick results!

These kind of people are no different when it comes to how they want their newsletters delivered! Internet Marketers want their newsletters in their e-mail so they get the newest information first; no waiting, no postal mail, no searching, etc.

The best you can do is give them what they want, and give it to them now!

If you give these hungry readers what they want on a regular basis you will...

Become "The Expert" Your Readers Are Searching For, And Create Huge Profits, Word Of Mouth Referrals & Search Engine Traffic!

As a publisher of quality content, you are in a very powerful position.

There are literally hundreds of people who get Internet Marketers to signup for an "Internet Marketing Newsletter" but what they really publish is a front for their ads.

You'd be surprised how few of the people that run newsletters in this market actually send any kind of "real content". Almost all of the so called "Gurus" are sending content with no other intention than slipping in their product a half dozen times, for you to buy!

Hello... We, your customers, are not all Idiots!!!

While you could and should make a recommendation with your content, it should be after the "content" meaning- the articles you offer in your newsletter should stand on their own.

If you publish content that really provides value to your subscribers you will establish yourself as the "guy or gal who cares" and who provides real quality information. You will also notice that your subscribers love sending their friends to you to subscribe!

Another great benefit of publishing great content is that it will get picked up by search engines if you submit it to article directories or publish it to your blog, and it will generate loads of search engine traffic!

I'm sure that you'll agree these are all powerful things to have pushing your business to new levels of profit.

Is It Really As Easy As You Say To Completely Automate My Entire Newsletter For Years At A Time?

Honestly, it's much easier than I say it is!

With a full 2 years of weekly newsletters written for you, you are able to eliminate "all" maintenance and work associated with your newsletter.

All of the grueling midnight writing sessions every week trying to pump out content are a thing of the past. Messing with your mailing software every week, another task gone...

With the quality content you are going to get you will be able to focus on something much more important...getting subscribers!

Can you imagine how easy it would be to make money with a newsletter if all you had to do was get them to signup and just forget about them?

We both know it just doesn't get any easier than that.

With "My Internet Marketing Newsletter" you are going to get...

100 Newsletters To Cover Your Publishing For Years - You are going to receive 100 issues of your very own Internet Marketing newsletter to publish as often as you want. You can publish every week for two full years, every two weeks for 4 years and if you publish monthly for 8 full years, yes 8 full years!

High Quality Content - This content is top notch and written by high caliber writers that know Internet marketing inside and out so you can be sure that your subscribers will be wowed with every issue!

Perfectly Formatted - Each piece of content will be wrapped at 65 characters a line for the most attractive and easy to read format possible which will create an image of professionalism with your readers!

Quick Copy & Paste Setup - These are ready to be published and served your subscribers instantly. All you have to do is copy and paste them into your mailing software or auto responder and you're done!

Extreme Variety - You're not just getting a bunch of "general marketing articles" here. These are extremely targeted, specifically actionable articles on things like e-mail marketing, blogs, search engine optimization, using audio & video for profit, etc. You can rest assured that you will be able to serve everyone that is interested in Internet Marketing, or making money online!

Peace Of Mind - These articles will give you peace of mind knowing that all of your newsletter tasks are taken care of for years and completely automated leaving you to spend your time however you want!

Profitable Information You Can Use Yourself! - On top of all the excellent benefits of this incredible article collection, you can also read the articles and profit from the tactics shared in them so you can increase your profits even further! These articles are like a full blown "Encyclopedia on Internet Marketing" and cover everything that can make you money.

As you can see, these premier pieces of content will not only automate your newsletter for several years, but also drive your newsletter to profit like you never though possible.

I want you to ask yourself one very important question...

What would it be worth to you to have a newsletter ready to go, 2, 4 or even 8 years in advance (based on your publishing schedule) with absolutely no writing on your part?

If you just can't stand the thought of long days and nights trying to produce content that may or may not produce any kind of sales, this is exactly what you've been looking for.

Never before has their been a pre-made, 100% ready to go newsletter that you can just plug in, walk away from and forget while it generate profits for you.

So, Does This Incredible Amount Of Pre-Made Content Cost So Much That Average People Like Me Can't Afford It?

No way!

The whole reason for this system was to make it possible for regular people to start getting their piece of the newsletter publishing pie.

Of course, I could easily charge several thousands of dollars for this content because a quality article on a site like eLance costs $30 and up on the low end and that means you're getting a minimum value of $3,000 in content.

The eLance writers won't come up with the ideas for you either! I've also come up with 100 extremely hot and relevant topics that will establish you as an immediate expert! That's a priceless addition.

But keeping with my intention to make this affordable to everyone trying to make it with their own online newsletter, the cost is only going to be $97!

That means for less than a measly 100 bucks (Read on for your price for TODAY!) you can say goodbye to your newsletter publishing and writing woes for good!

This is a small sum to pay, to start finally taking steps towards getting your business going and starting to live the work at home lifestyle! $97.00 is really a painless drop in the bucket ( Remember, you are getting a special price TODAY!) to be able to get your hands on "My Internet Marketing Newsletter" and start using it right away to improve your lifestyle!

You Really Can’t Afford Not To Invest In "My Internet Marketing Newsletter".

WAIT! Let me make this an even more special offer: Would you like to have resell rights to the "My Internet Marketing Newsletter" ?

You'll be able to sell "My Internet Marketing Newsletter" to your customers and keep 100% of the profits. Your resell rights come with a complete website salesletter, and professional graphics for you to promote the "My Internet Marketing Newsletter" with.

You'll have your own product that you can sell to YOUR customers and keep all the profits! There is no additional charge for the resell rights. It's included in your one time payment of just $97!

For a very limited time you can get the "" video course for the Low Introductory Price of just...$97.00 $17.00! Just click on the order button below to gain instant access...

*EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Results are not typical. Your results may vary. We make no claim that you will earn any income using this tool whatsoever. Where specific figures are quoted from individuals there is no assurance you will do as well. You must assume the risk that you will not earn any income from this product.