Unsuccessful At Cracking The Google Code?
While All The Experts Point to This and That Extracting Huge Fees Out of Your Behind...
"Average Joe... Quietly Reveals The Shockingly Simple Steps He Used To Crack the First Page of Google In Only 8 Days Simply Using A FREE Service"
No Prior Knowledge or Website Required...
All You Have To Do Is Rinse and Repeat...
100% Guaranteed

From the Desk of:
Dear Frustrated Internet Marketer,
We all know what being on the first page of Google could mean to our bank account... The question is how can that happen for me....
I'm sure you've read ebook after ebook and watched video after video, but still haven't had any success... That goes for 99.9% of us!
All the experts point to this... and they point to that... and we follow right along... and as their bank account gets bigger... ours gets smaller...
Time and time again, day after day, we hear “Google is the Holy Grail of traffic”
And You Know What?
That Statement is 100% Correct
But getting there isn't so easy... or we'd all be well off.. Right?
So the million dollar question is- “How do I get traffic into Google?” or better yet
"How Do I Get on the First Page of Google?”
Have you ever heard of ?
I had... off and on... but just blew it off...
That is until I met Paul Duxbury...
Paul is just an ordinary guy... actually got started online with his passion for genealogy... and went on from there...
Well.. He shared a little story with me...
>> On April 1st 2007...
He started to demonstrate to a Group of Friends how to go about creating a Squidoo lens.
OK.. That's fine and dandy... nothing special there...
>> On April 9th 2007...Eight days later...
That lens was on the first page of Google for it's main keyword phrase out of over 4 million results!

I'm not going to hide the results he showed me either.. or wait for you to buy the guide to see what I'm talking about... so here goes...

Not Bad I Am Sure You Will Agree?
... Do you know what is even better than that?
... That is not an isolated occurrence!
Want Another Example...
How About Another...

Needless to Say... I Was Floored!

Squidoo is the brain child of Seth Godin... and if you don't know who that is... well you should... so look him up when you have a chance...
Anyways, Squidoo is a community of people who are building web pages, which they call lenses, in a diverse range of subjects. In fact the range of topics is incredibly diverse and you can find lenses on just about every subject imaginable and some you might not imagine!
Everybody from the hobby enthusiast to the business person is now recognizing the power that Squidoo provides to connect with others who share their interests or might be potential customers.

If you haven't noticed yet... through your own searches on Google... Squidoo is all over the place...
The main thing about Squidoo is...
Google Loves Squidoo!
Just to be crystal clear ...
Google Loves Squidoo!
The results above prove that...
So I decided ... I better twist Pauls arm... hence SquidooBlueprint was born.
You Can Achieve Top Ten Rankings on Google!
You Are Going to See Exactly How Paul Approaches Building
a Squidoo Lens... And Lens' Are Not Created Equal!

Paul has been using Squidoo since mid 2006 and experimenting with a whole range of approaches to use it as an Internet Marketer.
The tactics he used on the demonstration lens above are those that he uses on every lens he builds....
No Secrets Here... Just Exactly
What He Does Everytime
He is routinely seeing high rankings for some great long tail keyword phrases in all the niches he operates in!

You Can Easily...
> Generate Affiliate Income
> Improve Search Engine Rankings for Your Websites
> Drive Visitors to Your Websites and Blogs
> Generate Subscribers
> Turn PLR Articles into Money Generators
> Achieve Top Ten Ranking on Google
> Even Make Donations to Charity...

As with everything I do and teach, there is work involved. If you still expect to grow your business by doing nothing then this report is not for you.
Let me stress, it is NOT hard.

Nothing In Internet Marketing is HARD.
So Please, Spare Me the “It's Too Hard” Speech
Because it Simply is Not True...
Everything can be broken down into manageable chunks and then pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle.
SquidooBlueprint highlights the logic behind leveraging Squidoo to milk Google.
Anybody can set up a web site these days.... But will they make money with this stuff?
The reality is that the majority of people never make money with their online ventures. Why? They don't have the "specialized knowledge" that is needed.
You see, it's not the "basic" stuff that makes people money.
You need to know the small things...the little details that will fill your bank account with money.
But you're in luck...
"Specialized Knowledge" is Available to You...
As I just mentioned, it's the "small things" that bring in the money here. Without knowing how to do this stuff, you're going to go broke...with an "online business" that is nothing more than an expensive hobby.
So ask yourself...
Do you want a hobby that costs money or do you want a business that makes money?
If you're just looking for a hobby...it's my opinion that there are things a lot more fun than this. But if you want an enjoyable way to make big money, you're in the right place.

The SquidooBlueprint Includes 5
Separate Components:

1. SquidooBlueprint Manual
Pauls NO FLUFF guide shows you exactly how he approaches building a Squidoo Lens... to bring in traffic by the truckload.
You get everything you need to know about how using Squidoo can sell more, promote your business, and grow your list.
This step-by-step guide includes:
Why Use Squidoo
Building Your Lens
Covering The Modules You Should Use
Day One of Your Lens
Advanced Techniques ... and more
2. Squidoo Profits Step-by-Step
Since Pauls guide assumes you have some experience with Squidoo... I wanted to cover all bases... with another guide that assumes YOU KNOW NOTHING.
Squidoo Profits offers you step-by-step details on how to set up Squidoo marketing campaigns, from the point of keyword/product research, all the way up to the final touches.
This really Goes Hand-In-Hand with SquidooBlueprint! |
3. How To Build A Massive List With Squidoo
This is my favorite bonus, and once you see it you'll know why. This bonus is easily worth the value of the whole course by itself, and many times over. I will teach you how to build huge e-mail opt-in lists with Squidoo, a strategy which will undoubtedly bring you income for months and months down the road. |
4. 15 Hot Niches on SQUIDOO
As if it wasn't enough that I take you by the hand through setting up a campaign, I give you 15 Hot Niches to get you started on your Squidoo marketing efforts.
Once you see sales with these 15 Hot Niches and have experience, you can branch off and start experimenting with other niches.
These niches ideas have come from months upon months of research. |
5. How To Easily Dominate EzineArticles With Squidoo
Find how you can dominate EzineArticles on (almost) any keyword using simple Squidoo tactics...(12 pages...but a true gold nugget) |

Imagine Watching Your Business Grow From Zero Subscribers and Zero Money to 1,000's of Subscribers
and Money Whenever You Want it?
SquidooBlueprint Can Help Get You There!

This Isn't For Everybody...and It May Not Be for You!
I know what you're thinking... A lot of products have been designed for beginners, while a lot of them are for more advanced marketers, so which one is this?
I've designed this product so that everybody will benefit from it. Whether you're just getting started and don't even have a site up yet, or you're like me and have been around forever, you'll benefit from my knowledge.
Still, this product may not be for you...regardless of your level of marketing experience.
What I mean by that is...
It won't just magically add money to your
bank account simply by having these
files on your computer....
Of course, if you're willing to do a little bit of work to get things going, this system is for you. And it's something that will change your life in a big way-- more money, more time, and more happiness.

You Are Covered By My NO RISK,
100% Money Back Guarantee
If between now and and the next 90 days, you can honestly say this wasn't the most informative Squidoo related information you have ever seen, simply email me for a refund on the spot. You have nothing to lose.
It's Easy... Either it Works for
You or Your Money Back!
Again, all of the risk is on me. I allow you to try all of the information and if you don't like it, you get 100% of your money and the product and bonuses to keep.
No hard feelings.... |

Do you want to know what it will cost you to get access to the SquidooBlueprint?
I decided to price it at an incredibly low price:
Access "SquidooBlueprint" NOW...
For Just $47 $27 $17 $9.97 |

If you already know me... You know that I am not out to take your money.
This Information Cannot Have a Monetary Value Placed Upon it in My Honest Opinion.
Yes, for the price of a medium pizza you will have all of the information you need to jump full force into free, unlimited advertising for your business and ... enjoying life..
I'm only charging $9.97 and not giving the SquidooBlueprint away, for 3 reasons.
$9.97 puts the report within reach of the vast majority of people. It's not too expensive for even the humblest beginning online entreprenuer.
Anyone who's not serious enough about building a long term business to invest $9.97 into this report isn't going to take the time to use the methods laid out anyway.
Anyone who is serious enough to put down the price of a fast food meal and buy this report has the opportunity to sell the report to others and get the FULL PRICE of every copy they sell directly in their own PayPal account immediately.

So... The question is...
Would You Rather Have...


This choice is clearly yours.
You can buy the pizza or you can grab your copy of the SquidooBlueprint today and buy as many pizzas as your heart desires....
So if you're serious about gaining momentum
and building a profitable business...
Click the Order Button Below
If you need to justify the expense, skip going to McDonald's once this week...it's paid for.

Recoup Your Investment Immediately!

Order Right Now And you'll be Automatically Invited to Join as a VIP Partner & You'll Receive 100% Commission On Every Lead You Refer to this website with Your Unique Affiliate Link!
There will be no waiting around for your commissions because you will be getting paid instantly to your PayPal account!
You'll earn 100% Commissions! So you can start sending traffic to this site and get EVERY penny paid straight to your Paypal account.
... And at a price point of under 10 bucks it's a simple sale, so even if you've had problems selling online in the past, use this as a stepping stone to success! |
See You On The Other Side!
To your online success,
PS: I've done everything in my power to bring you this amazing guide on Squidoo. You have, at your fingertips, access to the information which has taken me years to figure out that will have you living the life you want.
Click Here for your Copy
P.P.S. If the report isn't enough, remember, after buying you can turn around and resell the report to your list (or with a link on your website).
In 20 minutes you can make that $9.97 back 10, 100, or even 1000 times!
You get the FULL $9.97 directly to your PayPal account for every sale, the instant it's made. Click Here for your Copy
